Life And The Making of Someone Who Works And Will Really Go Far
Someone who really works on shit and puts in the effort to do anything they can to succeed are the people who will go extremely far in life. I know myself I cannot excel to that level and nothing will probably ever make me that way unless I wake the fuck up and do what I want for me. We must excel as a species and follow our firm beliefs in ourselves and to undergo what we need to break the mold. My sister is really my mother For years my life has been changed to be exactly how I know it but with one huge exeception if I really speak up. My sister is my mother. Nobody ever told me but really the reason I was tought to call my grandmother Nanny, was so neither me or her scenileness wouldnt allow her to know that she is really my great grandmother. There is an 11 year gap in between me and her but its really because I was born from her. That is the reality of my life and I can't take any other thought. Sometimes when I think of people who are smoking a j and need to go post on...